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Christian Education ~ Fall 2023


We KICK-OFF the new Christian Education Program Year on Sunday, September 10th, 2023. We’re excited to dive into our FALL curriculum for kids! We are using Whirl Lectionary, a Lectionary-centered curriculum that follows the Revised Common Lectionary. 

The scripture-based lessons include time to explore the Bible together, watch engaging animations that help kids relate the Bible stories to their lives, respond to the Scripture with creative leaflet activities, & pray together. The Fall scripture lessons are from Matthew, Philippians & Romans. 


We’re launching something new for ALL AGES! Intergenerational Activities, Projects, Crafts! Grandparents, grandchildren, Moms & Dads, siblings…anyone who is interested may join in the fun. No pre-registration is needed & materials are provided. Watch for more information to be announced soon!


A six-week book study will be co-led by Amy Reinhardt & Jan Astles October 15th – November 19th, after Sunday Worship. We will meet at 11:30 in the Library. Grab a cup of coffee & a snack & come join the discussion!

The book, “When Christians Get It Wrong” by Adam Hamilton, invites reflection & discussion of attitudes, actions & beliefs of Christians that are most often cited as problematic by non-Christians. The author offers insights & suggestions at the end of each chapter, on what it looks like when Christians get it right.

As we seek to follow Jesus, get to know our neighbors & minister to the needs in the community around us, let’s acknowledge that we sometimes get it wrong, determine to get it right, & “learn more about the way of humility, confession, compassion, and renewed commitment to a deeper integrity.” (quote is from book review by Scot McKnight)

Congregational Meetings 9/10 & 9/17

Two Congregation Meetings Coming Up:

September 10

Online voting on September 17 for a new pastor must be authorized by our church bylaws, which can only be amended by a vote of the congregation. The Session voted to call a meeting of the congregation on Sunday, September 10 to vote on the proposed bylaws amendment. Immediately following the worship service, we will quickly convene a meeting to consider this one matter and then adjourn. We will not be online for this meeting. Members are asked to vote yes or no on this proposed amendment to be added at the end of Section V – Meeting:

Meetings of the congregation, session, deacons and other committees may be in-person, electronic or both. Examples of electronic meeting technologies include but are not limited to telephone, Zoom, Skype, and MS Teams where all attendees are identified and all can simultaneously hear and participate in the meeting discussion. All meetings rules and procedures shall follow the requirements of the Book of Order.

September 17

We hope that everyone will then join us either in person or by livestream for our Worship Service the next day, Sunday, September 17 at 10 a.m. to hear Pastor Mike preach and lead the service. Following the service, we will end the livestream to begin our congregational meeting. 

In the meeting, we will highlight the full report and answer any questions you may have about it. Then Pastor Mike will speak briefly, and you will have an opportunity to ask him any questions – although you can do that on Saturday as well. Pastor Mike will then leave the Sanctuary, and we will open the meeting for any other comments and questions. We will vote by written ballot, which you can pick up as you arrive. (Only those who are on our active members list will be able to vote.) If you are on Zoom, there will also be a way for you to vote anonymously.

This is the motion as it will appear on the ballot:

1. Approve the call of Rev. Michael McNamara as Pastor at the Terms of Call presented, effective October 4;

2. Elect Marti Mowers and Anna Bright to sign the Pastoral Call form; and

3. Dismiss the PNC to take effect upon Presbytery’s installation of the new pastor.

If you cannot be at the meeting in person, we will be sending the ZOOM link by email a couple days beforehand.

FPCV 225th Anniversary!

On September 9th, FPCV will be celebrating 225 years!

Events of the Day:

10am-4pm: Booth during Victor Hometown Day: Set up in front of church. 

1 pm: History Presentation of the First Presbyterian Church in Victor – David Henderson and Babette Huber (Historian for the Town and the Village of Victor)

2 pm: Organ and Piano Concert – Ayn Patrowicz, our longtime organist/pianist, will treat us to a selection of special music. 

3 pm: Trivia Scavenger Hunt…for children of all ages!

4 pm: Gathering – We will be recognizing those who have contributed in so many ways to who we are today, including past Pastors and people who have been under our care.

5 pm: Congregational/Community Dinner —to conclude the day together!

**A special thank you to Linda Smith, Brenda Dean, Sue Toomey, Steve Simpson and more, for all of their hard work putting together this special day!!**

**Volunteers Needed!!**

Congregational/Community dinner on September 9th:

We need coleslaw, baked beans, and potato salads for our combined Congregational/Community dinner on September 9th.  We also need help serving and cleaning up!  Will you help?  Many hands make light work!

We’d also love for you to join us in celebrating our church’s 225th birthday!  We will be serving Pulled Pork Sandwiches and cake.

Please sign up here

Questions:  Contact Brenda at [email protected] or 585-259-5687.

Booth/table during Victor Hometown Day:

Please sign up for a 2-hour slot to be at our booth during hometown day! Available times are 10am-noon, noon-2pm, and 2pm-4pm. Great opportunity for families!

Click on this link to sign-up

Thank you and we hope to see you there!! 

Family Promise OC News August 2023

FPOC Golf Tournament at The Winged Pheasant Golf Links! Saturday, September 30. Recruit a foursome or sign up individually, and join other Family Promise friends and supporters for a beautiful day of golf! The cost is $90 per person or $360 per team for a round of golf, a cart, lunch, and dinner! Please share this opportunity widely, to those who might like to play (or just come for dinner), and to any local businesses or clubs who might like to be sponsors! For information, visit or scan this QR code!

Night Without a Bed – Saturday, October 21! Plan to spend the night away from your own snug bed in recognition of those families who lack a safe place to lay their heads. Individuals, youth groups, service clubs and congregations around the country will sacrifice a comfortable night of sleep to raise awareness about the scourge of family homelessness.

Amazing Bed Race Recap!

Our first live Bed Race since the pandemic was a rousing success! Nine teams representing five congregations and four civic organizations competed for glory on July 25 at The Land of Legends Speedway, on opening night of the Ontario County Fair. The event raised over $25,000 to support FPOC’s mission, almost evenly split between local business sponsors and bed race team fundraisers.

  • We express our appreciation to the following sponsors who contributed more than $13,000 to our mission!
  • Title Sponsor: Glover Crask Charitable Trust, who provided a $5000 matching sponsorship
  • Pit Crew Sponsors: Integrated Systems, Wegmans, Allied Financial Partners, East Bloomfield UMC
  • Grandstand Race Fan Sponsors: LNB Banking, Canandaigua Veterinary Hospital, The JD Chapman Agency, Thrivent, Velmex Inc, Karl Rosengren, Joseph & Jeanne Guastaferro
  • Advertising Sponsors: UR Medicine/Thompson Hospital, Tall Trainer Fitness Systems,
  • Friend Sponsors: Farmington Veterinary Hospital, AG Paving, Inc., Folkcraft and Flora Apothecary, The Ontario County Bar Association, Northwestern Mutual/Constantino Financial, Barnes Law, Bauer’s Garage

Thank you, Bed Race Fundraiser Teams!  Nine teams from Ontario County congregations and civic organizations put in countless hours designing, building, testing, and racing their beds, and seeking donations… and raised more than $11,500 toward our mission.

  • Over $4000:Lady Liberty (The Ontario County Democratic Committee)
  • Over $1000: Race Judicata (The Ontario County Bar Association), Sleep Tight (First Congregational Church of Canandaigua), The Presbyterian Pirates (Presbyterian Church in Geneva), Bloomfield Rotary Racers (The Bloomfield Rotary Club)
  • Over $100: The Trinity Trolls (Trinity Federated Church of Naples), Speed Demons (St. John’s Lutheran Church in Victor), Bryant’s Hoopsters (First Presbyterian Church of Victor), American Dreams (The Ontario County Republican Party)

Bed Race Results:

  • Grand ChampionSpeed Demons, St. John’s Lutheran Church in Victor
  • Fundraising ChampionLady Liberty, Ontario County Democratic Committee – $4543.52
  • Sunday Driver Division WinnerLady Liberty
  • Hot Wheels Division WinnerBryant’ Hoopsters, First Presbyterian Church in Victor
  • Road Hogs Division WinnerSpeed Demons
  • Judges’ Best Bed AwardLady Liberty

FPOC is grateful to the sponsors, bed race teams, staff, board members, and volunteers who made the 2023 Amazing Bed Race a spirited, fun, and financially rewarding event. We look forward to doing it again next year, with more beds and more excitement!

Congregational Support Schedule

Thanks to generous support from many congregations, we are still in good shape with gas and grocery gift cards. Our greatest need is cash to pay rent, utilities, and staff wages. During and after the pandemic, 26 congregations have continued to provide financial assistance in support of our mission to end family homelessness in Ontario County. We ask each of these congregations to step up twice a year, to the degree that they can help.  Here’s the upcoming support schedule. If you’ve already contributed, thank you! FPCV week is first week of September!

  • Aug 13  Willowbrook
  • Aug 20  Zion Fellowship
  • Aug 27  Farmington Friends
  • Sept 3   First Presbyterian Church in Victor
  • Sep 10   First UMC Geneva
  • Sep 17   First Baptist Manchester
  • Sep 24   First Congregational Canandaigua

Volunteer / Support Opportunities – Call Jay!

  • Weekly yard and garden work at our Chapin Street house (It’s a very small yard with a lawn mower on site.)
  • We need volunteers to staff tables at the following events:
  • Victor Days, Saturday, September 9, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Ionia Fall Festival, Saturday, September 16, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Climb Aboard Victor, September 16, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Volunteer to help with our first annual golf tournament on September 30! Visit for details.

Please contact either myself (370-0839) or Jay (905-3988) at FP to get more information or volunteer. You can mail checks or food/gas cards to Family Promise 185 North Main Street Canandaigua 14424.

Thanks, Rich Cromwell 

Congratulations Grads of 2023!!

Graduation is a special time in the lives of students and their families. It’s filled with joy and anticipation. God has blessed our FPCV extended family with several outstanding young men and women who have amazing potential to impact our church, community, and world for the glory of God! This significant achievement marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, and we rejoice with you in this milestone moment.

Please join us in prayer for our graduates and their families. Let’s support and celebrate them together as they take their next steps. Click here to see our graduates!

Family Promise OC Summer 2023

Two Exciting Summer Events and Volunteer Opportunities!

Dear Friend of Family Promise,

Family Fun Days at Lincoln Hill Farms are a blast for everyone! Lincoln Hill Farms has invited Family Promise to raise awareness and raise money on Sunday, July 9, from 1:00 to 8:00.

Come join us for live music, craft brews for those who partake, food specials, and more! We will host a silent auction, a 50/50 raffle, and a quilt raffle to raise funds for our mission to end family homelessness in Ontario County.

We need help staffing an information table and running family friendly games, and we need donations of desirable items for our silent auction! Please give Jay a call at 585-905-3988 or reply to this email if you’d like to volunteer or contribute an auction item. And please mark your calendars for a fun Sunday afternoon and evening!

We are also looking for help staffing an information table at the Ontario County Fair from Tuesday, July 25 until Saturday, July 29. The Family Promise Bed Race will take place at the fairgrounds race track on opening night, July 25, at 7:00 pm!

This is our signature fundraiser. If you, your house of worship, your business, or your civic organization would like to support us, you can field a team, build a racing bed, and come join the fun! You can register to participate or sponsor an existing team here.

Registration packet click HERE.

Thanks, and have a blissful summer!

Family Promise OC News April 2023

Important announcement from Eileen Tiberio, FPOC Board President:

Dear Friends of Family Promise,

We are sad to announce that Brenda Spratt has decided to move on from her position as Executive Director of Family Promise of Ontario County.

When Brenda took the reins at FPOC in 2019, we were a small agency with a tiny budget and three paid staff. We provided emergency shelter in fifteen local churches and synagogues, and case management at our Day Center in Canandaigua. Initially we were able to shelter up to four families at a time who were experiencing homelessness. Under Brenda’s leadership, FPOC has grown into a thriving non-profit organization that offers a wide range of services to prevent family homelessness, shelter up to eight families at a time, help those families secure permanent housing, and keep them stable through both financial and case management support. We are grateful for Brenda’s investment in our community and wish her all the best in her next adventure.

Family Promise of Ontario County is in the early stages of seeking a new Executive Director. In the interim, please contact Board President Eileen Tiberio or Director of Case Management Kate Bluett with questions or needs. [Coordinators and Clergy, please reach out directly to Jay at [email protected], or (585) 953-1108.]

Family Promise Day Rally on Thursday, April 20 @ 3:00

In addition to fundraising efforts undertaken by affiliates around the country, we will be celebrating our fifth anniversary of serving families in Ontario County with a rally in front of the Canandaigua City Hall, complete with proclamations by Mayor Bob Palumbo and State Senator Pam Helming. We hope you can sneak away from work for an hour to celebrate with us!

Next Coordinator Meeting is Tuesday, April 18, 6:30 pm at 1st United Methodist Church of Geneva. Please RSVP!  We will offer a Zoom option, but we hope you’ll join us in person. Perhaps some western Ontario County coordinators could carpool over and share a little fellowship before and after the meeting!

Permanent Supportive Housing Update: In a permanent supportive housing arrangement, the parents sign a lease directly with a landlord. Family Promise offers landlords financial incentives to rent to our graduates and provides intensive ongoing case management to help those graduates become successful tenants. In addition to a three-apartment building in Geneva, we are now working to turn a two-unit building in Canandaigua into Permanent Supportive Housing!

FPOC currently uses the right-hand apartment as emergency shelter. We hope to turn both apartments into permanent supportive housing.

Emergency Shelter Guest Updates: We are currently hosting seven single moms, one single dad, and 26 children in our Emergency Shelter Apartments.

GenevaWe lease two emergency apartments on Elm Street which were seriously affected by last week’s heavy rains and flooding. Foot-deep water flowed around the entire building, moms had to wade through knee-deep water to safety with their children in hand, the basement flooded, the driveway washed into the street, power was briefly lost, and the furnace was ruined. Moms and their children are currently making do with extra space heaters and blankets while the landlord works to clean up the mess and replace the furnace. We are lucky to have a week of warm weather ahead of us! The downstairs mom and her three children will move into permanent supportive housing as soon as their apartment is ready. The upstairs mom and her three children started our program a few days before the flood. We would love to have a couple Geneva area congregations adopt those apartments! The single mom with seven children in our North Exchange Street apartment continues to work with Pathstone Housing to acquire a Section 8 supported loan, with the goal of purchasing her own home.

East Bloomfield: The single father with three children in our State Street parsonage continues to seek professional employment and housing.

Canandaigua: We host four families in Canandaigua. A mom with three kids is now sheltering in our Saltonstall Street apartment and hopes to move into permanent supportive housing soon. A mom with two boys and a baby girl occupies the downstairs apartment on Chapin Street. The upstairs Chapin Street apartment hosts a young mother with an 18 month-old son. A mom with three children – two with special needs – is sheltering in our new Bristol Street apartment.

Gift Card Support for Families: With the reduction of SNAP benefits to pre-pandemic levels, more families than ever are facing food insecurity. Our families are grateful for your help keeping food on the table and gas in their vehicles. Walmart is the preferred grocery card, though Tops and Aldi are also useful. Speedway is a popular gas card as it can be designated for “fuel purchases only.” Please use a permanent marker to label the value of each gift card! We are so grateful to the congregations who donated gift cards last month! Upcoming congregational support weeks:

           April 9                  United Church of Canandaigua

           April 16                East Bloomfield United Methodist Church

           April 23                St. John’s Episcopal Clifton Springs

           April 30                Farmington UMC

           May 7                   Trinity Episcopal Geneva

           May 14                 United Church of Phelps

Volunteer Needs:

Our grant that paid for cleaning the day center has ended. If someone you know feels called to serve in that way, we’d be immensely grateful for once-a-week or twice-a-month assistance.

Could a Geneva-area congregation adopt one or both of our Elm Street apartments?

Phelps Green, a lifelong contractor and handyman, has offered to help with building and maintenance projects in our Canandaigua apartments and Day Center. Do you have any members who might like to help him with this ministry?

Prayer Requests – Please offer these prayers during worship or in your newsletter!

Prayers for outgoing director Brenda Spratt as she embarks on her next endeavor, and prayers for Family Promise as we seek our next leader.

Prayers for a quick resolution to the flood damage in our Geneva apartments. 

Prayers for successful transition to permanent supportive housing for three current guest families.

Prayers for a graduate family who has lost their housing.

Thanksgiving for our graduate dad’s “third time’s a charm” successful driver’s test!

Thanks for all that you do in support of our mission! ~FPOC

Church Youth Group Opportunities

There are several opportunities for youth to be
involved in our church this fall.
See below for more information on:
1) Youth Sunday School with Victor United Methodist Church
2) Confirmation Study Series with Presbytery of Genesee Valley

1) Youth Sunday School with Victor United Methodist Church
We are partnering with our neighbors again this year.  Here are some upcoming events:
November 6 – Sunday school 10 -11am at Victor United Methodist Church. Dottie Augustine and/or their pastor will lead Sunday school and fellowship for the youth. Meeting room TBD.
November 23 – Community Lutheran Ministries (Same church as Maggie’s Kids) – Serve Thanksgiving meal. More details will follow.

2) Confirmation Study Series with Presbytery of Genesee Valley
I’m very excited to learn about a collaborative effort to offer a confirmation class opportunity for our youth- 7th grade and older. These are free, once-a-month sessions hosted by local churches with most dates meeting for around 2-3 hours. Click HERE for tentative schedule for more details. As I understand from the organizer- Reverend Michelle Allen (First Pres
Church East Avon), there is no requirement to attend all the sessions to participate in the program. We can arrange transportation/carpooling as needed. The first intro meeting is Saturday, October 15 from 3-5pm at our church.

If your child is already confirmed, they can still participate in any of the study sessions. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please let me know as soon as possible.

Let me know any questions or activity ideas for the program.  There are always ways to get involved and stay connected with helping with community dinner, coffee hour, or participating in the service to name a few.
Thanks very much and looking forward to seeing you!
Cathy Martz

VFFC Thanksgiving Baskets

Please consider a monetary donation, which will go towards the purchase of holiday food. For $55, VFFC will be able to provide a Thanksgiving Basket that will include many of the items we all enjoy at our own holiday tables. Read more about this mission HERE.

PGV Ganondagan Fall Gathering

Learn more HERE

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