There are several opportunities for youth to be
involved in our church this fall.
See below for more information on:
1) Youth Sunday School with Victor United Methodist Church
2) Confirmation Study Series with Presbytery of Genesee Valley
1) Youth Sunday School with Victor United Methodist Church
We are partnering with our neighbors again this year. Here are some upcoming events:
November 6 – Sunday school 10 -11am at Victor United Methodist Church. Dottie Augustine and/or their pastor will lead Sunday school and fellowship for the youth. Meeting room TBD.
November 23 – Community Lutheran Ministries (Same church as Maggie’s Kids) – Serve Thanksgiving meal. More details will follow.
2) Confirmation Study Series with Presbytery of Genesee Valley
I’m very excited to learn about a collaborative effort to offer a confirmation class opportunity for our youth- 7th grade and older. These are free, once-a-month sessions hosted by local churches with most dates meeting for around 2-3 hours. Click HERE for tentative schedule for more details. As I understand from the organizer- Reverend Michelle Allen (First Pres
Church East Avon), there is no requirement to attend all the sessions to participate in the program. We can arrange transportation/carpooling as needed. The first intro meeting is Saturday, October 15 from 3-5pm at our church.
If your child is already confirmed, they can still participate in any of the study sessions. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please let me know as soon as possible.
Let me know any questions or activity ideas for the program. There are always ways to get involved and stay connected with helping with community dinner, coffee hour, or participating in the service to name a few.
Thanks very much and looking forward to seeing you!
Cathy Martz