Two Congregation Meetings Coming Up:

September 10

Online voting on September 17 for a new pastor must be authorized by our church bylaws, which can only be amended by a vote of the congregation. The Session voted to call a meeting of the congregation on Sunday, September 10 to vote on the proposed bylaws amendment. Immediately following the worship service, we will quickly convene a meeting to consider this one matter and then adjourn. We will not be online for this meeting. Members are asked to vote yes or no on this proposed amendment to be added at the end of Section V – Meeting:

Meetings of the congregation, session, deacons and other committees may be in-person, electronic or both. Examples of electronic meeting technologies include but are not limited to telephone, Zoom, Skype, and MS Teams where all attendees are identified and all can simultaneously hear and participate in the meeting discussion. All meetings rules and procedures shall follow the requirements of the Book of Order.

September 17

We hope that everyone will then join us either in person or by livestream for our Worship Service the next day, Sunday, September 17 at 10 a.m. to hear Pastor Mike preach and lead the service. Following the service, we will end the livestream to begin our congregational meeting. 

In the meeting, we will highlight the full report and answer any questions you may have about it. Then Pastor Mike will speak briefly, and you will have an opportunity to ask him any questions – although you can do that on Saturday as well. Pastor Mike will then leave the Sanctuary, and we will open the meeting for any other comments and questions. We will vote by written ballot, which you can pick up as you arrive. (Only those who are on our active members list will be able to vote.) If you are on Zoom, there will also be a way for you to vote anonymously.

This is the motion as it will appear on the ballot:

1. Approve the call of Rev. Michael McNamara as Pastor at the Terms of Call presented, effective October 4;

2. Elect Marti Mowers and Anna Bright to sign the Pastoral Call form; and

3. Dismiss the PNC to take effect upon Presbytery’s installation of the new pastor.

If you cannot be at the meeting in person, we will be sending the ZOOM link by email a couple days beforehand.