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Changes happening at FPCV

Please see this message from Rev. Colin Pritchard, November 22, 2020

Fire, Water, and the Table

Message from Pastor Colin Pritchard, Moderator of the Presbytery of Genesee Valley.

…try and try again

Message from Pastor Colin Pritchard, Moderator of the Presbytery of Genesee Valley.

Phased re-opening at FPCV

Thanks to all of you who were able to share your thoughts, support, and concerns regarding reopening the church facility for public worship gatherings. Session has met a number of times regarding this issue and is happy to share with you our plans for this fall.

Starting this coming Wednesday, September 16 at 7:00 pm we will be opening the sanctuary to in-person attendance for our mid-week devotional service only. This service is shorter in duration, does not include our full music staff, and provides a good format for us to establish and practice our safety protocols.

Following a successful experience with the mid-week service, the installation of our high-speed internet hardware, and the Victor school district remaining open for in-person classes, we will proceed with opening for Sunday services. If all goes well, this will happen following Indigenous Peoples’ Day (October 12).

For now, and going forward, all services will continue to be live broadcast on the internet.

Click here for our Health and Safety Plan. Please fully read through this information. If you would like to attend this Wednesday’s Devotional service, you will need to fill out a form to register, which will be sent each week via email.

Please note that space is limited to ensure the health and safety of employees, members and visitors. Registration for each week will close when spaces are filled. There will be a chance to register each week for the following week’s Wednesday eve service.

For the time being, Sunday worship will continue to be virtual.

If you have any questions you can reach out to Courtney in the office or Pastor Colin at [email protected].

Rev. Colin Pritchard and other faith leaders in the news

Click on this link to read the article from the Democrat & Chronicle about themes and leadership in local faith communities during the pandemic:

Faith amid a pandemic: Challenges and change for local churches

Living Water Reflection

FPCV in the news!

Click on this link to read the article from the Daily Messenger about our Summer Food Mission Program: Meal kits help kick hunger in Victor to the curb

Meal-kit Donations and Pop-up Food Drives

Victor-Farmington Food Cupboard News!

The Victor Farmington Food Cupboard finally found a larger space to call home! We will continue our drive thru operations on Sundays and Wednesdays through August and will be serving people out of our current location until July 15th. After July 15th we will be located in a building on Anthony Drive that we will share with Mozzeroni’s Pizza.

We are deeply grateful for ongoing partnerships with the Davis Family(Alex P Davis Memorial), the Cobblestone Guild, the Artchetko Family (Otto Tomotto’s), the American Legion, Farmington/Victor Kiwanis Club, Victor Farmington Rotary, the Victor Central School District, Frank DeFelice and the town and village Chambers and Local Development teams of both Victor and Farmington. We will be posting shout outs to other partners who have continued to support us through this pandemic despite canceled fundraisers and stressful changes in operations.

We are most grateful for the Victor Farmington Community all the time, but particularly right now. It has been no small feat to continue feeding an increased number of folks who suddenly found themselves without incomes. Thank you for your checks, your notes and your food donations at our popup food drives! We continue to need this support and could not have continued without all that kindness. Words are not enough to express the gratitude.

In August, we will host a drive thru “housewarming party” so that you can see where we are and we can thank you in person. Please watch this page for more details!!

On Tuesdays this summer, the Food Cupboard van will be in back of the First Presbyterian Church in Victor from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm to accept any donations of fresh produce (are you overwhelmed with zucchini yet?) as well as any unexpired canned or boxed food.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊

Summer Mission- Meal Kits

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