
Missional service is at the heart of our faith practice here at FPCV. All members are encouraged to share the hope and joy of their faith through sharing their time, compassion, and resources with others who may be in need.  There are a wide variety of opportunities available throughout the year for all to serve: from serving the hungry at the local food pantry and through our community dinners; to building houses with Habitat for Humanity; to building relationships in urban-suburban summer programs; to knitting winter clothes for children; to responding to local crisis; to supporting an orphanage in Uganda and fresh water wells in India, we serve.

Local Mission Connections

The First Presbyterian Church in Victor is a community strongly committed to being in service to God’s people and this world. We invite all members to share their time and talents as well as financial support for this ministry. We strive to make sure that there is a place and a way for every single person, regardless of life circumstance, to participate in loving service.

Some of our mission support goes to activities here in the Victor area and to projects specific to our church. In addition to our financial support, members of our congregation are also involved in donating their time and energy to these projects. They include:

Global Mission Connections

In addition to our hours of service and labor, we are also a tithing congregation. A full 10% of all income to our operating budget is set aside for mission support both locally and internationally.

Some of our mission support goes to national and global mission activities, sponsored through the Presbyterian Church (USA). They include:

  • General mission: also called validated mission, this is a pool of funds collected through the national church that is used around the world to meet many human needs

  • One Great Hour of Sharing: a special offering taken once each year at Easter, used to provide emergency disaster response, refugee relief, and the resources people need to rebuild their lives

  • Christmas Joy: an offering that is used for two purposes: to invest in historically black colleges, and to support retired Presbyterian ministers who lack other support

  • Peacemaking Offering: taken in October each year, this special offering supports activities around the world that develop spiritual, family, national, and global peace

  • Pentecost Offering: taken on Pentecost Sunday, this offering supports children at risk and ministries serving youth and adults.