Deacons are called and installed to serve the human needs of our congregation and the community at large, and are elected to three-year terms on this board. Each deacon has a list of congregants that he or she is primarily responsible for, and people can call their deacons when they need any kind of help, including prayer requests. Deacons visit the sick, the lonely, and the homebound, demonstrating the compassion of Christ in their relationships with others. The board of Deacons is led by a moderator elected by the Deacons, and a secretary keeps records of meetings and handles correspondence. At our church, the Deacons also provide the fellowship hour after the worship service, with coffee and goodies.

  • OurĀ current deacons
  • Donna Schake, Secretary, Class of 2025
  • Clay Girouard, Class of 2025
  • John & Sue Toomey, co-chairs, Class of 2025
  • Bruce Fisher, Class of 2025
  • Kelly Fisher, Class of 2026
  • Sue Grabowski, Class of 2026
  • Nancy Fisher, Class of 2027
  • Kathie & Larry Jacobs, Class of 2027