Dear FPCV Congregation,
This is a critical time for our church, with dear Pastor Nick being with us in an interim capacity, Covid leading to churches in general getting smaller in size (as families have taken on new family practices) , and most, if not all of us stressed in one capacity or another with the pressure that has only escalated with Covid.  We on the Nominating Committee have volunteered out of a desire to help our church continue in the wonderful capacity of Community and Worship that brought us all here in the first place. We can not begin to express how appreciative we will all be for anyone in the congregation who feels so called or is willing to help all of us  out over this next Session and Deacon period by Volunteering your involvement.
Along with Covid and the need for flexibility, there is now an option for meetings to be on-line or a combination of some people at church and others on-line. I know this has made it possible for me to serve, as my work hours make it hard to get down to church.  I don’t want this to sound like too desperate of a plea for help, but we will be very grateful to anyone willing to come aboard. There is a once a month meeting and then projects along the way- committee meetings vary in frequency, but there is no need to feel overcommitted. We can find a way to  make it work; no one needs more stress!
There are 6 openings for Deacons, and 5 or 6 openings on Session.
Please give prayer, consideration, and perspective to a way of serving as a Deacon or an Elder in a capacity that fits in with  busy schedules, yet keeps us a caring, loving, and supportive congregation. It would be great to hear back from those who can help us out by March 15. Our goal is to get everything wrapped up as soon as possible-ideally before Easter week (as some of us are traveling). Names will be presented at the meeting in early May. Please Contact Martí Mowers at 585-330-0472 to discuss possible interest.
Thanks very much, With Blessings and Appreciation,
Marti Mowers, Kelsey Bright, Ruth Dreste,  Clay Girouard , and Steve Mowers
FPCV Nomination Committee